Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tips to get lean and slim in 3 days!

Ever wanted to look leaner and fitter instantly- for the beach vacation, the New Year’s eve party, a cousin’s wedding, or the big date! We have tips for you to look thinner and better instantly. No, its not an optical illusion.

If you want to lose weight fast & effectively, try one of our Weight Loss Plans. See ourweight loss success stories.

Whether you have 3 days, 7, 10, 14 days, 2 weeks or 1 month, you can use these tips to look thinner for the big day.

Eat less Salt: Go easy on the salty snacks, like namkeen, chips, high sodium pickles, pretzels and processed foods that are high in sodium. Extra salt is added as a preservative in foods. Salt contains sodium and high sodium foods cause water retention in the body. Water retention can make you look bloated. So, skip the chips and go for the fresh food.

Easy on the Carbs: The Indian diet is high in carbohydrates. Rice, Roti and other breads are primarily carbohydrates, besides all the sugary food. Know the difference between good and bad carbs. Besides our meals, the vegetarian snacks are also high on carbohydrates. Like salt excess consumption of carbohydrates leads to water retention. So, when people reduce their carbohydrate intake, they lose some water weight. That’s a trick used by Atkins and other no-carbohydrate diet plans. Fitho does not recommend no-carb diets, as they can have side-effects like ketosis, bad breath, etc.

Run: Yes, go for a run. Running helps you burn calories, and suppresses appetite hormones. Check
our next article to understand how it works.

Do Push-ups/Squats: Right before the big day out, the men should crank out a fewpush-ups and squats. Both are fantastic exercises to build muscle and will pump muscle all over your body- so you fill your clothes out better. For women- try girl pushups to instantly tone your arms.

We can help you lose weight fast & effectively, with our Weight Loss Plans.

Note: Do not take these tips to extreme. Removing salt and carbs from your diet completely for long periods of time can be harmful to health. Also, excessive exercising can lead to injurious to health.

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